I think I caught the flu, and have a slight runny nose, chesty coughs, sore throat, muscle pains, slight fatigue and slight fever. Oh man, I hate getting sick, and it makes me very irritable. So, if I have appeared quite irritated or frustrated to anyone, I apologise now, it's the flu bug that is influencing me.
Structure of a flu virus
Well then, on to the story. Was walking back after classes today at 1pm and realised that there were many people at the centre of union court watching some live! entertainment. As I had to go to the atm machines at union court, I had to stop by and watch the entertainment. First, I saw a few people at a competition trying to guzzle down like a 1.5 litres bottle of milk. That was crazy man. And after that, they called for people to be naked. Initially I thought they were probably just topless and would still have their underpants on. No! There were these 2 guys who totally stripped naked and had to run around union court, not that it was embarassing enough in broad daylight with hundreds of people watching, but also it was winter and bloody cold.
So this one guy ran with his hand covering his you-know-what and ran but came back like within a short while and put on his pants. The other, the brave soul, gave it all. He did not attempt to shield anything and ran really fast and took some time before coming back. I think there was some prize to be won for the guy who could last the longest. What a sight man, it was hilarious. As I left the place, I saw a couple of policemen approaching the ground. Didn't know what happened after.
For a schedule of bush week, checkout: http://sa.anu.edu.au/?newsID=172
For pictures of naked men, do your own research. cheers
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