Saturday, 3 March 2007

Checking out the aftermath

At about midnight, when the hailstorm had already died down for some time, I decided to go inspect the extent of the hailstorm in the ANU campus. Gathering a few other guys, we headed out on an exciting excursion of ice-covered ANU.

Well, for a start, there was practically ice everywhere. No more worries for trying to get an ICE cold beer. Not only do they have free beer at the pub, now they have free ICE as well.

Flooded Sullivan's creek. Ice on the road. The group of us staring at the aftermath.

The ground is covered by ice

Pretty legs in the ice. Whoever who leaves it there the longest wins

The exploration party had to eat ice for supper

Tun Min's COOL present for Yeam

Man of the night, Zhong, stuck in the snow, and Barney throws away his slippers to rescue him

Zhong and his foreign employee searching for his lost Billabong slipper in the pile of ice

The exploration party having a light-hearted moment

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