Tuesday 12 August 2008

the dark knight

Finally had a chance to catch the Dark Knight on the big screen yesterday before it ran out. Was anticipating much from it, after Barney highly recommended it to me. And other heard good reviews from some others too.

I feel that the performance of Christian Bale was pretty ordinary, but it was the villains who shone brightly. Of that, Heath Ledger gave a stellar performance in the role as the Joker. Absolutely brilliant, although the make-up department was not fully functional I guess. The make-up of the Joker looked much better in the previous episodes, and it seemed like they had not much budget to apply sufficient make-up.
However, the emotions, actions, words and.....in fact the whole performance by Heath in the Joker was pretty brilliant and he really made you feel frightened by his appearance.

The guy who acted as Harvey Dent aka Two-face, can't remember his name but the same guy from Thank You for Smoking, was quite brilliant as well, not to the standard of the Joker, maybe cos he only had half a face left, but still a stand-out nonetheless.

And I did notice that the actor who played the Mayor of Gotham city was actually the leader of The Others in the series, Lost. I kept picturing him going to eliminate some people with gas attack or rifles or something like he did in Lost, but then he didn't.

Sorry no mention of Bale's performance as I didn't think great of it. But the movie was great nonetheless.

And a side note. Was at a kopitiam with my colleague for lunch today. So while we were eating, the har gow he ordered arrived and was served by one freak-head woman. He put it, oh sorry, she put it on the table and left. So my colleague wanted some chili sauce to go with it, and he quickly turned to her and said "excuse me, can I have some chili?"
And the woman turned back sharply and shouted "WHAT?!"
we were both stunned for a second.
But luckily I was wearing some amulet that could shorten the stun-time, and recovered and shouted back to her "Why So Rude?!"
And she went "what" again and widened her eyes and marched towards me, with my colleague looking at me with his eyes that seems to be telling me "Wahhhhhh..........you are a winner"

Monday 4 August 2008

Work is tiring

I had been resisting for 3 weeks to follow in my friend's footsteps in making a blog post to complain about how working life is tiring, but still I succumbed to that favourite SG habit - complaining!

Oh well, it's tiring!

Basically, I wake up at 7 every morning, wash up, read the paper while I have breakfast, and leave the house at 7.45am. Reach workplace at 8.25am, then work until 12pm+ then go for lunch. Arrive back in office at 1pm+ and continue working till 6.30pm+ or sometimes around 7pm+, then reach home 7pm earliest, or usually about 7.30pm. Rest for a bit, then have dinner, then rest for a longer bit, maybe watch some tv or like right now, do some blogging, and then go to sleep at 11pm.

I practically don't really have as much freetime as I used to have, to do whatever stuff like watching movies or playing pc games. Sigh...

Hey those of you reading this and sniggering away, it'll be your turn soon! Watch out man, I only started some time before you, but hopefully, fingers crossed, I can end this routine earlier than you!
